Since the day our team made the decision to help bring the Zilker train back we knew the restoration would be a huge undertaking. Over the past two years, we have worked through the expected challenges that come with retrofitting a uniquely sized electric mini train as well as several unforeseen challenges, most of which have been exasperated by Covid and supply chain delays given the limited size of the mini train industry. 

We want to reiterate that we share in the collective disappointment in just how long of a process this has proven to take. However, we remain committed to making the necessary updates no matter the time frame, that will ensure it is the safest and most enjoyable experience for all Austinites. Please rest assured that our team is working diligently and tirelessly to make the necessary updates and adjustments the train needs to be able to safely operate and bring joy to people of all ages. 

We will continue to communicate our plans and hope to be able to share an opening date soon. 

With sincere thanks for your support and patience, 

Colin Wallis
Chief Executive Officer
Austin Parks Foundation

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